Examples of Funding Wins
Mr. Thronson has been responsible for assisting clients with securing well over $300 million in competitive funding wins over the past several years. ej thronson consulting looks forward to working with you to secure funding for your priority projects.
$15 million - City of Fontana

FY22 Federal RAISE Grant
One of two RAISE grants Mr. Thronson has helped secure for clients, Eric worked with the City of Fontana to develop, prepare, and execute a strategic plan to support the City’s FY 2022 RAISE grant application. This highly competitive federal grant opportunity administered by the US Department of Transportation formed a key component of the City’s Complete Streets Upgrades. These upgrades include street, bike, sidewalk, and trail improvements. The culmination of this process was the award of $15 million in federal RAISE funds for the City’s transportation infrastructure improvements. In the FY 2022 RAISE cycle, Fontana was one of only eight jurisdictions in the State of California to receive a RAISE grant.
$30 Million - SGVCOG
2024 State Budget Solution
Due to a significant state budget deficit, the Governor proposed in his 2024 May Revision to the Budget to eliminate all promised funding from the General Fund for grade separations through the Port and Freight Infrastructure Program (PFIP). The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG), relying on its grant award, had already entered into a construction contract for the Turnball Canyon grade separation project; without the $30 million that the state had promised for the project from the PFIP, SGVCOG was in jeopardy of defaulting on the contract and owing the contractor millions of dollars that it did not have. Mr. Thronson worked with the Administration and the Legislative Budget Committees to ensure language was included in the 2024 budget that promised to find alternative funding for projects like Turnbull Canyon to avoid any project impacts.

$45 million - SacRT
FY23 Rail Car Replacement Program
Mr. Thronson assisted SacRT in securing a grant through the FY22/23 Rail Vehicle Replacement Program, a new program created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, in order to purchase 16 new low-floor light rail vehicles from Siemens Mobility in south Sacramento. SacRT is one of six transit agencies nationwide and the only in FTA Region 9 to receive this grant.
$3 million - City of Merced
FY22 State Budget Earmark
Mr. Thronson worked successfully with Senator Anna Caballero to secure $3 million in the FY 2022–23 state budget on behalf of the City of Merced for its Regional Fire Training Center, including building infrastructure, the buildout of shared classroom spaces, decontamination facilities, urban search and rescue props, an aircraft rescue firefighting prop, emergency vehicle operations courses, fire training props, and the completion of a recycled shipping container fire tower.